We have a Pindo Palm tree
and it bares fruit around this time of year.
Fruit of a Pindo Palm is often called Palm Dates.
These weren't quite ripe yet when I took this picture.
These below aren't even yellow yet.
People like to make Pindo jelly out of this fruit.
They even refer to the tree as a Jelly Palm.
A few days later Elvis smells the scent of the Pindo.
Not the most pleasant smell...
The fruit is ripe.
I've tried to like the Pindo fruit.
I try a tiny bite each year, the first flavor
is a very tropical fruity taste maybe
like pineapple followed by an aftertaste
of rot and decay....not very pleasant at all.
After a few days this is usually what happens
to the fruit every year...a big smelly mess.
Cher thinks "What is that stink?"
Here a is a pic of someones Pindo Jelly
Watch this "making of" Youtube video here.
Maybe it's just the age of my tree,
at 13 years the fruit isn't good yet.
Or maybe Vegas Pindos aren't good for consuming.
Or perhaps they should not be eaten raw...
I just can't imagine eating it and enjoying it.
"Keep it away from me"
"Me too."
Thanks for stopping by!