Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Darn The Luck

As you may know, I am a big
Halloween enthusiast.
It must be all the hype right now with
The Walking Dead season finale
 coming this Sunday.
Or maybe,
it's The Bible's finale
on History channel. (I don't know which,
there are walking dead people in both...)
Anyway, It's got me all wound up
for stuff like this.
I am on the lookout for a 
cool Halloween ghost light.
A while back while reading the blog,
I was captivated by Susan's vintage ghost light.
I have been on a search for one
just like it ever since.
I did see one on Ebay a year or so ago.
 But, regrettably, someone beat me to it.
It went at a great low price too.
Then a little over a week ago, 
on Ebay, I saw this ...
Ebay image
A Mint in Box 1987 ceramic ghost light from
something called the Calabasas Collection.
 Not exactly the same ghost light I'd been wanting
 but, in my opinion, better...
Ebay image
a little more whimsical, cartoonish,
and kind of retro, simply perfect.
I bid and won...I was the only bidder.
It's much easier to win Halloween
collectibles around Easter time.
The box arrived with a dent on one corner,
and to my dismay, I could hear
ceramic pieces rattling around inside.
 The ghost's expression kind of says it all,
doesn't it?
RATS!  Mint condition since 1987 and
as soon as I get it, it's busted.
I do believe it would have helped if
the seller used a tad more packing material.
He did quickly refund the total amount
after my email.
It was the perfect size too.
I had imagined it going on my entry table
similar to where Susan had hers.
I'll just keep looking, I'm sure there are
more out there like this guy.
I'm even considering this one...
Very common in the 60's and 70's
and now Joan Davis paints them, and sells
them on her Esty shop HERE
His face is very similar to the first ghost I liked.
However I'm really digging
the one I bid on, it's more my style.
Oh well, wish me luck on my hunt.

Happy Easter to you and yours,
and thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Delightful Easter Discovery

Have you ever pulled something out of
your holiday boxes that you forgot 
you bought after the holiday last year?
What a great feeling of surprise it is!
It sort of starts the decorating process off
on the right foot.
I had that happen to me this Easter,
I reached into a box and pulled out
a tissue wrapped bundle of
what felt like desert plates!?
I thought, We don't have Easter desert plates.
But after unwrapping the plates,
I guess now we do!
These are the Kohl's "Blossoms & Blooms"
Easter Bunny Plates from last year!
Aren't they sweet?
The bunny is raised a little on the plate
and so are the dots, to add
a little extra dimension.
And what terrific Easter colors!
They nicely compliment my
Bordallo Pinheiro rabbit luncheon plates,
of which I have one of each color
found at Marshalls years ago.
Plus, they go great with my new
Pottery Barn bunny cupcake plates!
 The Ozark Easter tablescape is starting 
to come together, thanks to the
delightful plate discovery.  I can't wait till
I find another surprise that I forgot about
buying a year ago.
Thanks for stopping by and
Happy Spring!