Friday, September 16, 2016

MORE Halloween at HomeGoods 2016

Another visit to HomeGoods proved
to be more rewarding! 
The shelves are now fully stocked
 with Halloween goodness!
The large decorations are mind blowing!
Who has room to store them 
during the rest of the year?

 Love this sign!
Another dragon!  This one was SOLD!
Giant vampire nut cracker!

Huge mailbox!
'Cause nothing says Halloween like a 
giant slot machine and payphone!?!

Neat wooden skull and crossbones.

Awesome sign!
Look at all that personality!

 I think this is a mummy.

Sophisticated bat sculpture decoration. 


Loved this glitter house.
Certainly much more to choose from 
on this excursion.
See anything you like? 
Thanks for stopping by
and happy hunting!