Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Painting The Dutch Door

It just occurred to me that I never posted my 
coverage of the painting of the Dutch door. 
So, I'll post it now...

After a few weeks of living with the white,
 unpainted Dutch door, which Sam was starting 
to like, so I had to act fast to get it painted.
We had a lot of back and forth discussions
on the color choice.
I used my Photoshop skills to offer some ideas.
Not to mention, our HOA also suggests 
we "try" to match our original color.
We finally chose Behr's "Aqua Fresco" from 
The Home Depot. 
Which was brighter and slightly more 
blue then the original color.
Next we had to schedule a painter.
Enter Miguel the painter.
My coworker Tina's boyfriend's colleague. 
He started by painting the inside of the door 
a crisp bright white.
We actually had him paint all 
the interior doors that day.
Hence the missing door knob on the closet door.
He was very fast and neat.
Really knew his business.
Then he started painting the exterior.

Some brush work but he mainly 

used little sponge rollers. 
The Dutch door really started to come to life with
its cheery new coat of paint.

While the Dutch door dried,
 he painted the casing and frame.
All done and lookin' sharp!
We love the color, as do many neighbors.
Thanks for stopping by
and happy hunting!