Friday, January 31, 2020

Update on the Firethorn Bush

The Pyracantha (Santa Cruz) bush (also called a Firethorn for its ½'' long thorns) 
Bloomed magnificently this year!
I last posted about it here in 2014.
In the years since 2014 the bush has 
underperformed.  Nothing worthy of a post.
Last year literally only 23 berries showed up and
the week after Christmas they were gone, 
the victims of hungry birds.
But this year the bush bloomed with a vengeance!
Thousands of flowers all over the branches.
Happy little bees swarmed the shrub all Spring. 
And by Christmas we had this beautiful 
patch of red in the yard to add 
to the festive decor.
Sam and I freshened up our garland 
and wreaths this year. We gave them
a rustic woodsy look.
We added buffalo plaid ribbon and 
moose, bear, fox, and squirrel 
elements to the mix.
Even the big wreath got its 
3 to 5 year makeover.

We added acorns, pine cones, 
antlers, and a rustic Santa.
It sure was nice having the berry bush 
in all its dashing red gaiety.
Even the birds haven't been able to 
dull its loveliness.  
The bush is still full of berries and it's
the end of January.
Thanks for stopping by
and happy hunting.