Monday, April 25, 2011

Dipped Chicks for Real

I received an Easter greetings email this weekend from a friend
that contained pictures of real live
"Dipped Chicks"!

Every year in time for Easter,
900 colorful baby chicks are hatched 
on a ranch in Durango, CO

They inject the eggs with food coloring,
 and when they hatch,
they are brilliant with color.

She uses, pink, purple, orange, green, red, turquoise, & yellow.

They aren't hurt by the process,
and as they grow, they return to their normal colors.

My grandmother once told me,
a man in her town of Williamsburg, PA in the 1940s would sell colored chicks for Easter .
All the kids around would have a colorful baby chick
to play with Easter morning.  
However by the end of the week
very few chicks had survived. 
Grandma had always thought it was the coloring that did them in.
My guess would be that excited children and baby chicks probably shouldn't mix.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.

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