Saturday, June 9, 2012

It's Peach Pickin' Time

Our little Vegas "Desert Gold" peach tree
is full of peaches

and many need to be picked. 
It's a beautiful day for a peach harvest.

Cher came out to investigate my activities...
Do you she her through the branches?
Good grief, I need to mow!

"More pictures?"

a papillon chihuahua mix
"We've got company."

Elvis comes out to see what's all the hubbub.
" Good Grief, you need to mow!"

Cher doesn't like to pose when Elvis is around.

He is careful not to get hit by a falling peach.

The fruit is too heavy for many of the branches.
A few break every year.

 A bowl full of sweet peaches
should help lighten the load.

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