Sunday, July 15, 2012


No, it's not some sort of sequel to TRON,
It's the name of the designer of my new
Ebay acquired
vintage "mid-century" TV lamp. 
This is the K559 Kron Owl TV Lamp
by Texans Incorporated in Bangs, Texas.
In the 60's people would place
TV lamps on top of their sets.
It was thought the ambient glow would
eliminate eye strain while viewing TV
in a darkened room. 

 I just received it in the mail yesterday!
This is the signature of Howard Kron.
He was a multi talented artist,
sculptor, and singer.
He joined Texans Inc. in 1954
as one of their primary lamp designers.
Find out more about The Texans Inc. Lamp Company
and Howard Kron on Mark Stevens' comprehensive
The felt base is stamped
Texans Inc, Bangs TX
My brown owl is not very rare because it was
very popular during its late 50s to mid 60's run.
despite reports that it would scare children.
Many of the "brown" owls were produced.
The "white" owl version is more rare,
fetches a higher price, and is highly sought after
by TV lamp collectors.
But in my opinion, not as suitable for Halloween.
On Mark Stevens' website
He shows off his 2005 purchase of a
Kron owl lamp forgotten in time.
It was never opened, never used
since the day it was packed. 
It was brand new, complete with the sticker
warning not to use over a 25 watt bulb.
Mine was very used but still looks amazing.
I checked, and it even has some residue
left from that sticker.
My enchantment for this owl started
unexpectedly last November.
I was innocently searching Ebay
under the term "Owl Cookie Jar"
to try and fill a gap in
 the Ozark Halloween miscellany.
I so want the Anthropologie Owl cookie jar,
but it's still $128!!!!
So Ebay was my second option
where I found a few cool
Halloween worthy cookie jars....

Carbone, Inc. owl cookie jar from Ebay
this one got away.
Then I somehow stumbled onto
the Kron Owl TV Lamp,
my heart skipped a beat!
It was everything I want in a Halloween
collectable, form, theme, and function!
I watched them for a time
and just waited....
so many of them have chipped wings.
Finally, I bid and won 
an undamaged one for only $29.99!
A real bargain and he's perfect!
I'm testing him at his perch on top of the hutch 
for this Halloween season.
Owls seem to be IN this year,
check out the plethora of owls at Pottery Barn...
Get them now online at Pottery Barn
and here is a selection from Pier 1 Imports...
Here's Pier 1's Halloween offering...

I still have my eye on this white owl pitcher
by Two's Company,

as well as a Dept 56 Google Eye Owl
candy dish and lollipop holder,
but, I think I like my scary Kron owl
more than any of these.
Mine actually frightens children!


  1. Very cool owl. We have something similar at pier's a metal lantern that lights up through the eyes and spaces between the feathers. He's on sale right should go check him out. We also have an owl cookie jar. We just go those. Lots of owl things at the Pier.

    I never knew what the point of tv lamps was. Thanks for that information. I am partial to the Florida ones made from Conch shells with palm trees and flamingos. I have one here somewhere...probably in the garage in a box.

  2. Thanks Nita for the heads up on Pier 1's selection of owls....I've updated the post to show some of their owl products.
    I do like that lantern!

  3. I just inherited a Kron Cookie jar and wanted inquire how I can find out the value as I have no interest in parting with it but would like to make sure I have it insured if need be. Might you be able to suggest where I could get information on it?

  4. I am so sorry for the late reply, I just noticed your question recently. Sadly, I don't know anything about Kron cookies jars. I didn't even know he designed them until I saw your comment! What little I could find about them, shows me that they are rare and could be valuable! I did see a Kron Teapot cookie jar, and a Fruit Bowl cookie jar, both white with a bit of gold spray. It all depends on the demand as to the value. A nice collectable for sure!
