Sunday, November 18, 2012

Stained Glass Turkey Light Revisited

After checking my stats,
 it seems my "Stained Glass Turkey Light"
was a highly sought after image
and I only had one good shot of it last year.
So this Thanksgiving I took a few more angles
and offer it up here.
I found my stained glass turkey light
on eBay years ago.
Here's a night time shot

They seem very scarce on eBay now.

They weren't all that common back then either,
but they would pop up from time to time. 
I was lucky to have spied this fellow
in the summertime, and had no competition
in winning the bid.

He is very festive and
creates a warm glow with two lights inside.

Samantha and I where lucky to
find this fabric that has an awesome
Thanksgiving vibe to it.

Sam's friend Eden turned it into a runner
and it compliments the turkey light quite nicely.

Eden even made us a pillow.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful November,
and has great plans for Thanksgiving.
Sam is cooking a turkey and the fixin's
and my boss is giving
everyone a "Honeybaked" ham.
So we should be set!
Thanks for stopping in!


  1. That turkey is so fabulous. I want a nice turkey for my own Thanksgiving decor but have not found one as of yet. I'm cooking too this year....we are getting a smoked turkey but I'm going to do all else. I don't know that I am up to it.

  2. I just picked up the same lamp at Goodwill this week for $6.99. Was looking online to find more about it. I am in love with it!

  3. I too found mine at a Goodwill several month ago. It is so awesome!!! I build a better lighting system for it so that the head and neck are better illuminated.
