Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Good Barter

My friend Ernesto, a client of the shop I work for
was so pleased with the time and energy (and talent)
I gave to help design his logo
that he surprised me one day with a wonderful gift!
eBay image
An Enesco Lionel Steam Engine cookie jar!!!
Isn't that just soooo cool?
You're probably saying right now,
"Boy, it's a good thing you collect cookie jars."
eBay image
Actually, he knew I liked cookie jars.
We got to talking during one of his
logo designing visits, and he showed me
how he was putting together a blog
about his chopper club, where he will use 
the logos I helped him with...
Here's the main one.
Reppohc Cycles is the name of his "brand" 
which is Chopper spelled backwards,
pronounced (Rep-pock).
Here is Ernesto's blog
and another of his logos I helped design.
I showed him that I had a blog too and
explained how I designed certain elements.
He was very impressed and surprised
that I was a cookie jar collector.
I mentioned that just before he came in
I was watching an EBay bid I made
on a Lionel Steam Engine cookie jar,
eBay image
 I only had 2 minutes to go.
Ernesto asked me to check to see if I won...
I lost, to a bid $1 more than mine.
I said not to worry, there were plenty more
on eBay, I'll just start a bid on one of those.
I showed him that my kitchen pantry
Christmas scene needed a cookie jar train
pulling into the cookie jar station.
Well, next thing I know, Ernesto
had his smart phone out and a "buy it now"
Lionel engine cookie jar pulled up on EBay.
He asked if this was a nice one...
eBay image
I confirmed, it was a great one. 
He said "consider it yours" as he pressed
the "buy it now" button.
I was blown away with surprise and gratitude.
He said he pays the front desk for the design time,
but would like to give me something for all my time
and extra attention to his logos.
About a week later he brought in the cookie jar.
I was excited to display it for now on the
dry goods pantry, but I'll tuck it away soon
and reveal it next Christmas.

Another cool thing, this EBay listing included
a salt and pepper shaker too.
 Very awesome!!!

My talent for a cookie jar...
A pretty good trade, don't you think?

Thanks for stopping by
and Happy Hunting! 

1 comment:

  1. That is an interesting payment for artwork done. My Dad once traded one of my paintings for a set of allen wrenches!
