Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Brews, Potions, & Spells

For over a year now
I've had my eye on this treat jar.
The Spell Book Treat Jar from 
Cost Plus World Market.
Last year in the store around early October
I asked about the jar that was sold out online,
and was told they've been
out of stock for weeks.
This year I went in three weeks ago 
and left my name and number 
to be called as soon as they came in.

They called me today!

I procured my ghastly 
stack of spell books this evening.
Not as big as a cookie jar, it's just
the right size for candy or treats.
Just grab the smiling skull on top
and lift the lid.

Full of great detail and
 a bargain at $12.99.
New this year at World Market
is this set of measuring cups

When stacked they form a poison potion bottle,
and compliment the Spell Book Treat Jar.
Also $12.99
I didn't grab one of those....
at least, not yet.

On the way home we slipped into 
a "Dollar Tree" Store and 
found some defrightful Halloween pops.

I think they'll go great in my google eye owl.
such great shapes.
But for a dollar a bag...will they taste okay?
Only time will tell.
(Cue lightning flash)

Thanks for stopping by
and happy hunting!


  1. Mr. Hazlett,
    I have been on a frantic search of the spellbook treat jar you got some time back.. I....unfortunately broke my daughters and she was so upset. I have called World Market Corporate and they said they don't even have the SKU# in the system anymore. They could not even tell me the manufacturers name. If you could be so kind as to look at the bottom of your jar and see if it shows any information I would so appreciative.

    Thank You so Much,

  2. Hi Frankie,
    Sorry It took so long to respond your inquiry.
    I hadn't decorated for Halloween yet and the treat jar
    was still packed away.
    I dug it out this weekend when I started decorating and
    looked on the bottom.
    As I suspected there was a stamp that read
    "Created exclusively for Cost Plus World Market made in China".
    Sorry it wasn't very helpful. Your best bet is Ebay or
    one of the secondary markets.
    Here's the link from Cost Plus to help in your quest.
    I checked around the internet myself hoping to find a listing for you but found nothing.
    Good luck in your quest!

    Best Regards
