Saturday, October 12, 2013

Halloween Time At Disneyland 2012 & MY 100th POST

Last year, after Sam hit a small jackpot at the slots,
she decided to surprise me for our anniversary
with a 3 day Disney Destinations trip to Disneyland
and Disney California Adventure!
We had an especially wonderful time
because the parks were right in the middle of
their Halloween Time celebration.
In Downtown Disney they were
busy making some tasty candy apple treats
with a Halloween theme.
At Marceline's Confectionery window,
the apple from Snow White,
Mickey getting his marshmallow ears,
& Jack Skellington getting coated.
A very busy kitchen.
We pulled ourselves away from the window 
wiped the drool off our faces and 
headed toward the Disneyland main gate.
It was adorned with the fab five as pumpkins.

Fall bunting and 
pumpkins were everywhere!

This fellow, 
refused to move, for Sam
 to get a clear shot of Jack O' Lantern Mickey.

Themed Jacks were all around Main Street.
We grabbed breakfast at 
The Carnation Cafe.
Eggs and beacon for me...
Mickey waffle for Samantha.
Then it was on to a fun filled day.
See more of our adventure after the jump!

From the center hub 
we were off in all directions.


I just love me some Tiki Room.


At midday we headed to the 
New Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe for lunch.
It has a Mary Poppins Theme.
We split a sandwich,
and a scrumptious Halloween cupcake.
 Then off to the rest of the park.
The Haunted Mansion was hosting 
the Nightmare Before Christmas Holiday 

Tiki room, Halloween pumpkins, & Trains!!!
I just want to live here.
Disney's Dia De Los Muertos display.


Pumpkin carving.
That night, we had our special anniversary
dinner at The Blue Bayou.
It was wonderful!

Day Two we headed to
Disney California Adventure

and breakfasted at
The Fiddle, Fifer, & Practical Cafe
(Aka, Starbucks)
After breakfast we headed to 
Cars land

After several hours we headed back to 
Disneyland for lunch
and rode the horse drawn streetcar 
to the back of the park.
 To the Big Thunder Ranch Barbecue

 It was all you could eat!
 As they kept bringing out food 
in little pots and bowls.
Plus live entertainment, it was a 
a terrific experience.
After Lunch we explored 
Critter Country
and found more candy apples

 and Tigger Tails

We rode the Mark Twain
and enjoyed the back of the park
Till it was time for the 
Mickey's Halloween Party

We saw these balloons going up
and the park started to fill 
with costumed guests.
They charge an extra admission to the party
so we left the park and went back to DCA.
Where we took in some more rides.
After a 2 hour wait in line at 
Toy Story Midway Mania 
we watched World of Color
we were way in the back 
and exhausted,
we called it a night about mid show 
and went back to our room 
and slept hard.
Day three we didn't have 
park tickets so we spent it in 
Downtown Disney
Breakfast at La Brea Bakery
and took in a movie.
Then lunch, shopping, and drinks
at Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar, 
behind the Disneyland hotel.
 image source
When you order a drink there
all sorts of things happen around the room
I ordered the Krakatoa and the 
volcanoes out the windows 
and the sounds shook the room.
My drink even glowed red!
We got to keep the souvenir mugs!
It was quite an adventure!
After that,
 it was a quiet evening back at the hotel.
The next morning we headed home
to some happy pooches...err, 
I meant "not amused" pooches.
The end.
Hope you are having a
wonderful Halloween season!
Thanks for stopping in.

1 comment:

  1. What fun! I so want to go there some day at Halloween just cause I want to see the Haunted Mansion done as Nightmare Before Xmas. I could not have resisted those apples! This makes me want one right now. If it weren't cold and rainy out right now...I'd head to the store and buy a granny smith and some carmel dip.

    That whole place looks like sooo much fun! Just the best. I still have not seen Frankenweenie. I saw the first one he did years ago but I knew I could not take seeing a little dog get buried and then brought back to life.
