Friday, January 31, 2014

A Sunny Winter's Day

Here's Cher, out back enjoying a 
sunny winter's day photo shoot.

She likes the attention.

But wait, what's this?

Elvis has stepped out for some fresh air.

I try to get some photos of him.
He will never hold still.

If looks could kill....
Cher is not happy with Elvis taking away 
any of her attention.
Photo shoot over before Elvis gets attacked.

Still a nice day in Las Vegas,
No snow and warm in the 60's.
My parents had 9 inches of snow
in Virginia Beach and it's in the 20's!!!

My friends in Georgia were stuck in 
an icy snowstorm on the freeway
in their car for 21 hours just 
coming home from work. 
They were lucky to
have a few small cereal boxes in the car 
for something to eat and they ate snow for water!!!
They were posting updates on Facebook
through the whole ordeal.
What's with the crazy weather?

Thanks for stopping by.

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