Saturday, October 11, 2014

Halloween M&Ms 2014

Do you see what I see?
There, in the center of the hutch, 
in the Jack-O-Lantern's big happy mouth.
Halloween M&Ms!!!
Cool Ghoul's Blend to be exact.
"But how?" you ask...
It wasn't cheap!
Sam and I finally gave in and headed to M&M's World in Henderson.
It's smaller than the one on the strip
but they had the colors we needed!!!
The colors we needed at a premium
 that is!!!
You'd think we were buying Godiva.
They had their own Halloween version already mixed called
"Rue's Midnight Mix"
but I wanted the classic Halloween mix 
with Orange,
Black, Electric Green, and Purple!
We got a little over a pound for 
$14.57 with tax but it seemed so small.
No touching this chocolate 
till after Halloween. It's too expensive.
Thanks for stopping by, 
and Happy Haunting!

1 comment:

  1. Love your Halloween header. Love your hutch all decorated. Yay! YOu found your Halloween M&M's didn't you look all over last year and couldn't find? They did come at a price though...didn't they? Good luck not eating them. What did you think of Freak Show? I liked it but not as much as past seasons. But I'm sure it will get really good. Do you watch the Walking Dead? I didn't till recently. I watched a marathon of all the past seasons over the summer and couldn't wait for tonight's premier episode.
