Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My 45th Birthday Cake

This year Sam surprised me with a 
"The Croods" birthday cake!
Complete with buttercream frosting rocks!
mmmmm, buttercream.
I thought "The Croods" was a 
wonderful animated film
about a caveman family learning that 
they must leave the safety 
of their cave and adapt to a
 new way of thinking
to survive in a changing world.
The cake had a few vacuum formed
 plastic pieces like the title,
 and "Guy" the hermit with his pet 
"Belt" the sloth around his waist.
to help with the look. 
Plus a 3D toy Macawnivore. 
The big cat with parrot like coloring that 
stalks the family though the countryside 
on their quest to find a safe home.
 My 45th cake was a treat for the eyes 
and taste buds! 

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