Monday, September 17, 2018

Target Halloween Find

Look at this nifty bat platter
I found at Target.
It's large, a whole 17''wide, from their 
Hyde and Eek! Boutique collection.
And at only $10, it's a pretty nifty price too!
I plan to hang it on a wall during Halloween.
I've always been a little short on bats
so this will be a nice addition.
I want this "Black Cat Candy Bowl" too
from the same collection.
Also only $10!
But Sam asked where I would put it 
and I couldn't answer. I have a ton of
candy bowls in the Ozark collection
and no place to put another one.
Target has a lot of great things 
this year for Halloween!
Some really great animatronics too. 
 The sad thing is, at least in my experience, 
they seem to wear out so fast and
may not even work next year. 
So I tend to shy away from things 
that move with tiny plastic motors.
You however, may have better 
luck then me.

Update: 10/11/2013
Here's my bat on the wall. 
I think it looks FANGtastic!
 I had to find an extra large 
plate hanger with rubber tips
and bend it a bit to get it a good hold 
on such a large platter.
 I also had to change the
nail on the wall to a picture hook,
but the results were worth the trouble!
I'm EEK-xtremely happy!

Thanks for stopping by
and Happy Haunting!

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