Thursday, April 18, 2024

Easter surprise with a BITE

Children of the night,
the Easter bunny was good to me this year!!
I scored a Trader Sam's green 
1st Edition Piranha Tiki Mug!
The green one!
I didn't get to enjoy a trip to Disneyland,
or a refreshing beverage from Trader Sam's,
but I'll definitely cherish this keepsake souvenir!  
My next gift was a Royal Doulton 
Count Dracula Character Jug! 
A pricey ebay gift from Sam and Mr. Easter Bunny, 
they must have worked together.
While searching for the Santa jug I stumbled 
across the Count and expressed an interest in
obtaining him.
The Easter Bunny must have heard me.
Designed in 1996 it was the 
Character Jug Of The Year for 1997.
It even came with a little laminated certificate.
The detail is amazing!
Check out the garlic cloves and the gothic window,
Is that his cape billowing out?
and that Cross, beautiful! 
On the back we see a scary vampire bat 
swooping around the handle.
Dracula will be joining the
Halloween hutch next season.
I must say, I really scored this Easter!
Thanks for stopping by
and Hoppy Hunting!

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