Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Gingerbread House Cookie Jar for Christmas

December is here and
my Christmas hutch/buffet is ready!
I will admit, it looks much the same as last year,
but there are a few changes.
I've added a gingerbread house cookie jar
to the ensemble.
As many of you know
I had quite a time getting this last year.
HERE is the post.
I could never catch the sale price.
But the morning after Christmas,
Sam and I hightailed it down to Dillard's
and fought the crowds to get one
of the only two they had left.

And at HALF PRICE too!
Sam grabbed a place in line as I came running up
with the box.
She asked if I checked it over.
I said "No, I'm sure it's fine...."
However standing there in line
it started to weigh on me.
We were next to check out and I figured I had
just better take a peek.
Well, it's a good thing I did,
the entire side of the house was cracked in two.
Just then the cashier said "Next".
I handed the box to the lady to use to ring up
while I sprinted back to the last cookie jar.
Sam stayed there to explain my madness.
I inspected the last one right there on the floor.
It was perfect!
I ran back to Sam and the cashier
and slipped it into the waiting bag.
Okay... sort of a non story now that I tell it,
but at the time I was totally happy I got the thing
 Did anyone notice the other addition?
If you said "Mini Santa"
you are correct! 
Sam and I were browsing a local antique mall
when she spotted this little guy.
She said "it looks like your Radko cookie jar."
I said Radko based his cookie jar on this little
1960's "made in Japan" Santa Saver bank.
eBay image
I just love his spaghetti trim...
It was a good price, so we picked it up.

Hope you're having a great December!
Happy Hunting! 
I'm linking up with

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