Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ticking In the New Year with a BIG Clock

We bought a NEW clock
from Rod Works!
And the best part?
It was practically free!
I won the drawing at the office Christmas party
for a $50 visa gift card,
Rod Works had a 30% off coupon on their website
combined with their great prices,
we got a huge clock for practically nothing.
Sam's and my eyesight isn't what it used to be
so a huge clock is just the thing we need.
I think it's neat that the number 6
is replaced with a hole,
where one can view the swinging pendulum.
As for the text...
"Jardin du Monceau" is French
and from my research translates to
"Garden of the "Mound" or "Heap"
it could also be "Heap Garden"
which is either a park in France,
Parc de Monceau, Paris
or a fruit and vegetable stand in France...
"Jardins de Monceau"
at least according to Google Maps.
It could also be a compost pile in a garden.
The other line is
"57 Due de Lille"
which I think is an address and 
I think it's a misprint, it should read
"Rue" or "Road" 
instead of "Due" or "Owe"
"57  Road of Lille"
Google Maps shows this address in Paris, France
Don't really know why the address is on the clock 
but, it's still pretty nifty.
Next to the clock 
we find a new plate on the wall.
Called "Le Tigre Plate"
Designed by Nathalie Lété
From Anthropologie
I spotted it on a jaunt with Samantha 
through the store,
image source
and thought it would make a colorful addition
 to our tiger and Asian elephant motif
in our India inspired living room.

A new plate and a wall clock
to ring in the new year!

How can you go wrong with that combo?

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Hunting in the new year.

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