Saturday, January 5, 2013

When Life Gives You Lemons....

 Go out and pick some!

This is our 12 year old Eureka lemon tree,

and it's lemon harvest time!
Well, at least, lemon picking time.

Last year we had an early freeze and all the leaves
fell off the tree, it didn't produce any lemons.
We were lucky to get fruit this year.

Cher the papillon/chihuahua is out to help.

"I'm too short to even reach the first branch!"

The tree is enormous and produces too many lemons 
for just two people.

"And it's very tall!"

We can't even reach the lemons 
on the tallest branches.

Elvis comes out to watch.
"What's all the hub-bub, Bub?"

It's a very full tree with lemons all through it this year.

"How many lemons are you going to pick?"

"How many pictures are you going to take?"

Just one lemon today.

I'm going to drop slices in the disposal
to give it a lemon scent and kill some germs.

Thanks for visiting and
Have a great weekend! 

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