Sunday, August 4, 2013

A New Tiki Mug

I just got a new tiki mug!
call 877-560-6477 to get yours.
Let me introduce you to
the goddess of the East wind,
She is one of the tiki statues that stand
in the tiki garden at Disneyland's
Enchanted Tiki Room.
image source
 Designed by Rolly Crump in 1962,
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after Walt asked him to come up with 
some pre-show tikis to be placed in the garden 
"to set the mood"
for the singing bird attraction.

Now to commemorate the 50th anniversary
of The Enchanted Tiki Room,
Jody Daily and Kevin Kidney 
image source
have sculpted some wonderful tiki mugs,
based on Rolly's designs,
image source
for the 50th event that happened on
Saturday, June 29th.

Tangaroa-Ru and Pele
As well as the Rongo Bowl
I couldn't make it to the anniversary event, 
so I called the Disneyland Merchandise 
Guest Services at 877-560-6477 to get mine.
If you want the Tangaroa-Ru tiki mug
for some reason it's called the "Rongo Mug"
not to be confused with the Rongo Bowl.
Don't worry about supply, they are an open edition
so they should be available for some time.
Here's Jody signing about 3000 items for the
Merchandise release.

Here's my Tangaroa-Ru
I think she looks right at home in my
growing Disney tiki mug collection.

Thanks for stopping by
Happy Hunting!

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