Wednesday, August 14, 2013


(Thumbs pointing inward)
I'm the proud new owner of a 2013 Scion xB
The "B" stands for
(not really)
It just makes me want to sing....
I'm a model, you know what I mean,
And I do my little turn on the catwalk,
Yeah on the catwalk, on the catwalk yeah,
I do my little turn on the catwalk....
I'm not as sexy as my car, not as sexy as my car,
not as sexy by far....
Okay I'll stop now.

Scion is the young hip branch of Toyota.
Funny thing is,
the xB was designed for the young crowd,
but a recent survey showed
the average xB driver is age 46!

New to the line this year is the color
"Absolutely Red"
 And these cool new LED accent lights
next to the lower front grill on the bumper
they turn on with the headlights.
(Sam says it looks like a little space ship) 

Sadly After 22 years of loyal service
my 1991 VW Vanagon blew a hole in its engine
on my way home from work.
Thus knocking us to a one vehicle family.
The time had come for a new car.

I needed a vehicle with room enough
to haul big items if ever that need arises.
I considered a Toyota Tacoma truck
So Sam and I headed over to Findlay Toyota
to check them out. 
While I was out on a test drive
with the salesman,
Sam investigated the
cabin capacity of a Scion xB.
She showed me how there was plenty of room.

And my attention quickly shifted to the xB.
Scion has a no haggle policy so the price is
what you see plus tax and fees.
It wasn't long before I was driving this baby home!

Here it is in front of Home Depot

I think it's a good looking car,

some people call it a toaster
for its square shape.
No different then my Vanagon being a breadbox

I was happy that the xB gets along nicely
with our VW Jetta.

Scion's Absolutely Red is almost a match
to Volkswagen's Tornado Red.
How cool it that?
It's good to have matching cars right?

All I know is I have one sexy car by far,
It's too sexy for Milan
Too sexy for Milan
New York and Japan.....
Alright I'll Stop.
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Oh...just saw this...Congrats on the new car...very cute....I guess it just had to be red! Good for you!
