Saturday, November 23, 2013

Talking Turkey About Plates

"Hi Pop! Whatca doing?"

Hi Elvis, I'm just taking a picture of the
Thanksgiving hutch.

"Again?  Didn't you get a picture 
of this thing last year?"
Yes I did HERE, But I've added to it this year.

Do you see, in the back there?

We have a new turkey platter!

It's the "A bountiful Harvest" turkey platter
from Cost Plus World Market.

It was $29.99 but I got it on sale for $14.99.

"That's like almost half price....I think."

I have one other new addition on the top shelf.

It's the Fitz & Floyd "Bountiful Harvest
condiment dish with spoon"  

It has a cute little squirrel attached to a leaf. 


I also procured two turkey salad plates
to go with the one I bought a few years ago.

"You pro' what now?..."

I bought this plate from Pottery Barn 
a few years ago mainly because I liked it.

I hang it over the Pier One mirror during

I bought one of these turkey salad plates 
from World Market this year 
to hang somewhere, 
also because I liked it.

I did want a set of these plates from Pottery Barn
to set around the table but 
they had just sold out at the store...
that got me to thinking.

So I walked down two doors to Williams-Sonoma
and bought just one of their turkey salad plates too.

Now I'm going to plan each year to buy a different 
turkey salad plate till I have a cool non matching 
selection to set around the table.
I think Martha Stewart suggested a similar idea once.
What do you think of that idea?

"I think humans are weird."

1 comment:

  1. Elvis was the star of this post! I missed this one too and I'm sorry I did cause I'm obsesses with turkey plates. I love the idea of mixing different salad plates. I love that World Market platter too. But Elvis is the cutest and best thing in this post!
