Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Christmas Train Is Here

It's close to evening and the lights
had just clicked to life on the large
evergreen tree in front of the barn out back.
People say they can see it for miles around.
Farmer Urias would be home soon 
with his son and daughter-in-law 
in from the city by train.
  He had left earlier in the day
in his old red pickup to buy a smaller 
Christmas tree for inside the house.
He plans to meet the train at the station 
on his return trip so his son will be with him 
to help lug the tree into the house.
He should be down yonder at the station by now.
Well, that's a pretty good start to my heart warming 
Christmas story that I'm making up!
And speaking of "heart warming", check out my
new train engine cookie jar that has 
finally arrived at the station.
Read about how I got it in my post here.
I think it's super, and a good fit with my Spode 
train station cookie jar here and my Cracker Barrel 
old red truck candy jar here
Sam and I also scored a couple of mercury glass
trees last year at Kohl's to add to the vignette.
I think they add a little depth to the scene.
Maybe I should sprinkle a little faux snow 
around to really up the detail...
What am I saying? 
This is a functioning pantry that we use
everyday....we can't be having snow blowing
off it every time we set the mail down.
Gee, I hope that tree isn't too big 
for farmer Urias' house, he may have to get 
the Evans boys to help out...
Okay, I'll stop now.

Thanks for stopping by 
and happy hunting!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute train! You and your cookie jars. You better be careful, I think you are amassing a collection larger than the one Andy Warhol had. Yes, you definitely need to sprinkle snow around. You'll be glad to know...I got the tree up....just took 6 hours changing out lights....ugh...
