Sam got into the Halloween spirit this year
and added a few new things to her bathroom.
and added a few new things to her bathroom.
After a trip to Kohl's last month we discovered
some really cool Dia de los Muertos
bathroom accessories.
Sam just loved the colors
so we quickly ordered a set.
so we quickly ordered a set.
A colorful shower curtain decorated with
sugar skulls, cat heads, and pumpkins,
a festive sugar skull rug and
matching hand towels,
and a nifty sugar skull soap pump.
Our store didn't have the
Day of the Dead items in stock,
but if we ordered them in store,to be
sent to our home, shipping was free!
sent to our home, shipping was free!
You can't beat that!
A little later on we discovered Target
also had a few cool Day of the Dead
items of their own!
These precious little figurines
came dressed in a verity of colors.
Sam felt they would fit perfectly
into her new theme,
along with this green routed out tin
candle holder also from Target.
I put an LED candle with timer inside
to light for four hours every night!
It creates a spooky glow
till you turn on the light!
The holder matches her
green mercury glass pumpkin
from a few years ago.
Kohl's also had other Day
of the Dead non bathroom items
that were pretty hard to resist!
Check out this sugar skull and
cat LED flashing figure,

this sweet little pillow,
this cool "welcome" string banner,
this bright and shiny table cloth,
and these cute sugar skull bowls!
For now, it will be hard but,
we'll stick to just the bathroom.
But hey, who doesn't need a welcome
banner in their bathroom?
Thanks for stopping by
and happy haunting!