I'm a little late posting this.
Just some pics of Christmas 2020.
One thing different this year, we put the
tree at the back of the house in the family room.
Much less disruptive to daily life
when I don't have to move my La-Z-Boy out
of the living room for the tree to come in.
That white deer lamp is new!
We snagged that at Marshalls this year.
It sort of matches the white deer
on the kitchen table.
And the white deer salt and pepper shakers.
I seem to have white deer throughout the décor.
And regular deer too.
The rest of December I was off to visit
my parents in Virginia.
I also tried to help Mom clean out
Dad's junk collection in the garages.
He always thought he'd make money
on the stuff he brought home, but never tried to sell it.
After his stroke it's too much for him to even go out there.
I convinced Mom we needed to rent a dumpster.
Now we're off and running.
Started making progress.
The Neighbors came by to help.
Started making lots of progress!Filled up the dumpster.

Had to rent another dumpster to keep going.
Rainy out but had to keep at it!
Started on garage bay 2
Their old neighbor Jeff stopped by to help.
More stuff than I thought there'd be in garage bay 2.
Dad comes out to see what I've been up to.
He wants to knock my block off!
Not really...
Well, maybe.
I start to uncover his tools, here's a table saw.
Made a lot of progress.
From the laundry room steps looking out.
Filled up Dumpster 2
There goes dumpster 2.
Here is dumpster 3
Garage bay 2 is pretty good.
Now to the backyard, where Dad built another garage,
I've always called it "The Barn".
He thought he would refurbish VW bugs in there.
He never finished the first one.
Believe it or not there is one in there.
My visit was for two weeks,
but I extended it to three weeks
so I would be around for Dad's
melanoma cancer operation on his ear.
For 84 he was a real trooper.
Dumpster 3 almost full.
We uncovered cousin Doris'
100 year old back porch swing.
There's the Bug peeking out!
It's a convertible and all the pieces
are in here somewhere.
Dad comes out to explore a garage he hasn't
been able to walk through for years.
He sees his work bench for the first time in maybe 20 years.
Dumpster #4 is delivered.
I uncover a masterpiece!
My last full day with the help of neighbors
we manage to fill the dumpster.
But not completely clear out "the barn".
Not a bad three weeks of work.
Garage bay 1
Garage bay 2
I did a little decorating too!
The garage is still messy but at least it doesn't
look like a crazy hermit lives here.
A lot of stuff went to the Vietnam Veterans of America.
And a lot of little treasures were found...
Golf balls and flag pole finials
clubs and machetes and coolers
Hess trucks
Drum sticks
Artist paint
Belt buckle
brand new athletic supporter
VW parts
Fishing poles
Cool sleeping bag with three layers,
it's missing one layer
Bats and balls
Silver plated serveware.
A spoiler
CB Radios
Sniper mask?
An inflatable raft with oars and pump
Knife from Turkey
Fake Rolex
A Dooney & Bourke purse
Old bullets and muskets
Collectable cards
Strawberry Shortcake birthday cake candle
More watches and handcuffs
More artwork
Plus, no trip to Virginia Beach would be complete
without a long drive to the newly remodeled
Virginia Diner
for their Southern buffet,
I accidentally turned on an elongated
lens effect on my phone.
The place looks huge but that's just the lens.
The buffet was like 16 feet or so, not a mile long.
But of course we need peanuts and chocolate.
Also a trip to Dad's favorite place,
Bangkok Gardens.
We actually went twice, he didn't
remember the first trip.
Gosh I sure do miss those two.
But I hope you had a happy and safe
Thanks for stopping by
and happy hunting.